Thursday, August 23, 2012


Fall River:
Fishes great in the fall.  Mayfly, caddis, midge patterns all good.  Attractors such as the Lady Di, eggs, and San Juan worms are deadly.  Streamers are super this time of year.

Crooked River:
Like the Fall River, the Crooked fishes great in the fall.  Nymphs and streamers are the way to go.

Crane Prairie:
It is around 60% plus full.  The water is warm so look to the channels and springs.  Chironomids, South Twin Specials, Blood Rufus, and Brown Leech Rufus are all good.

East Lake and Lava Lake:
Both will pick up during September and October.  Since hatches will slow down - a variety of attractors such as the Rufus patterns, Roxy Rainbows, and MinnowBuggers will be good choices.